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O.W.L. Readathon Update and TBR

Hi guys! It's been a week since the O.W.L redathon started and I wanted to give you a little update on my progress so far. If you didn't see my last post, this is a readathon that goes from April 1st to April 29th hosted by Book Roast . The idea behind the readathon is to take part in the Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations by reading a book that fits the prompt for each examination. In order to get a passing score for your O.W.L.s you have to complete at least 2 books for 2 different exams, but the real goal is to complete the O.W.L.s required for your desired wizarding world career choice! So today I'm going to update you on which career path I decided to persue, which O.W.L.s are required to move on to the N.E.W.T. level exams needed for that career, my TBR for those prompts and a super ambitious TBR for 10 of the 12 of the O.W.L.s (you know, in case I feel like pulling a Hermione).

So for my desired career I chose Curse-Breaker, which is what Bill Weasley does for a living. It's basically a witch or wizard who travels all over the world to break or counter curses put on objects or places such as tombs or historical sites. Typically they're employed by Gringotts to recover cursed treasure or the Ministry of Magic to remove curses placed on objects illegally, but they can also be freelance.

The requirements for pursuing a career in curse-breaking are:

O.W.L in Arithmancy

N.E.W.T. in Defence Against the Dark Arts

N.E.W.T. in Potions

N.E.W.T. in Tranfiguration

N.E.W.T. in Charms

N.E.W.T. in Ancient Runes

So based on these requirements I put together my TBR as follows:

Arithmancy: A book with a number on the cover ------ First We Were IV by Alexandra Sirowy

DAtDA: A book with secret societies or clubs ------------ Runaways Vol. 1 by Rainbow Rowell

Potions: A book with/about alchemy ----------------------- The Alchemists of Loom by Elise Kova

Transfiguration: A book with shapeshifting ---------------Shiver by Maggie Stiefvate

Charms: A fantasy book --------------------------------------Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett

Ancient Runes: A book with a symbol on the cover -- The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken

That's 6 books! Which is quite a few for me, but I thought it would be fun to add in a couple more options for additional ones I thought might be beneficial to my career path:

Astronomy: A sci-fi book --------The Relive Box and Other Stories by T.C. Boyle

Care of Magical Creatures: A book with magical creatures-- Birthright Vol. 1 by Joshua Williamson

Herbology: Through The Woods by Emily Carroll

That's what I have for you guys! I woud love to hear from anyone who is participating and taking their O.W.L.s. What would be your wizarding career path? What do you have on your TBR? Some of them are tricky to find books that fit the prompts. Also make sure to follow the twitter page (@MagicalReadthn) to stay up to date and connect with other people who are participating! See ya in my next post.

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