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June TBR

Hello and welcome back to BB&B! I usually try not to do TBRs since I'm such a mood reader. I like to just pick up whatever I'm interested in at that moment and go with it, rather than sticking to a strict list. But for the month of June I have books that have either been on my TBR for way too long and I NEED to read them, or I received ARCS that I have to make a priority. So I'm trying something a little different and I'm going to try to stick to a TBR in the month of June. I'm keeping it to only 5 books, so if I finish those, I will free myself to read whatever I want but I really want to get through these books first. So to help keep myself on track and give myself some accountability, I'm going to share my TBR here. Without further ado, let's jump right in!

First up is a book that's been on my TBR for way too long. This is going to be my first priority in June for sure. Now that the 3rd book in the series is out, I have no excuses to not read this. Plus I am finally in the mood for a space opera sci-fi so I'm so down to dig in to The Long Way To A Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers.

This sci-fi adventure is about the crew of a spaceship whose job it is to create wormholes. We follow Rosemary as she meets and becomes close with her new family aboard the Wayfarer. It's a story about relationships and the bonds the crew have with each other. It has been compared to Firefly many times and Harriet from Harriet Rosie and Sam from Thoughts on Tomes gave it 5 and 4.5 stars! I'm so excited to get in to this one.

Next up is Perfect Little World by Kevin Wilson. I already picked this up on audio as well as ebook so I should be able to bust this one out really quickly. But this is a recent addition to my TBR and another book I found through Harriet Rosie's channel. It's about a fictional sociological study that puts 10 families together to raise 10 children from birth until age 10. The catch is that the children do not have 1 set of parents, the adults parent each of the children as if they are their own, so each child has 19 parents. We follow Izzy, a 19-year-old single mom as she joins the Infinite Family Project and we get a look at the study from the inside. I love books that study societies that are different than my own and the idea of this parenting/family style just sounds so interesting to me. I can't wait to see the pros and cons of the experiment and to see the imminent drama play out.

Red Clocks by Leni Zumas is a fairly new release that I am just dying to pick up! It's definitely going to be my second priority in June. It's a feminist fiction novel that follows 5 women in an America that is just like ours, but new laws are about to pass that will make abortions illegal, in-vitro fertilization illegal, and a new amendment will "grant life, liberty, and property to every embryo." We follow a single woman who wants to have a baby on her own, a stay-at-home mom of 2, a pregnant teen, a 19th-century woman explorer, and a medicine-woman/ healer as they all try to navigate the new rules set by the government and how they affect their views on what it means to be a woman. I am not one to turn down a feminist fiction novel, and this one is no different. Female reproductive rights are something I feel very strongly about so I am really excited to get a new point of view on the topic.

The next book on my TBR is an ARC sent by St. Martin's Press and that is Baby Teeth by Zoje Stage. I don't know much about it except its a domestic thriller about a possibly evil baby? The cover looks great and it sounds like it's told from some interesting POVs so I'm down. It's being released in July so I want to get this read before the end of the month.

Last but not least, is I Stop Somewhere by T.E. Carter. Another fairly new release, this one is about sexual assault and rape culture and it's told from the perspective of a teenage girl who is assaulted at her high school, but nobody believes her. I don't know much about it, but it promises to be a really hard-hitting novel and I've heard nothing but good things about it. I picked up the audiobook for this one so it'll be hitting my headphones as soon as I finish Perfect Little World.

Thanks for sticking around guys! And as usual, I want to hear from you. Have you read any of the books mentioned here? Are any of these on your radar? What do you plan on reading in the coming weeks and months? I'm pretty hopefull I will have a good reading month in June, I have quite a few books I am really excited for. Leave your comments below and I'll see you in my nect post!

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