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Top 10 Tuesday

Welcome to another Top 10 Tuesday! The tag comes from the wonderful contributors to The Broke and The Bookish. Go check them out! I would love to hear your top 10 in the comments below!

This week's Top 10 is: Top 10 unique book titles. These are not necessarily in and order (my favorite book on the list is number 9). For this one I tried to stick with books that I have read so here goes!

1. Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan. I just recently finished this graphic novel and it was one of the first that came to mind with this one. The title is fitting for the story, but just hearing it in conversation before I looked in to it definitely sounded unique.

2. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. I freaking love this book! And the title is so whimsical and lyrical and is so fitting to the story. But just reading the title and seeing the cover art when I picked this one up made the fantasy fangirl inside me swoon.

3. The Winter People by Jennifer McMahon. Not necessarily a unique title, but one of those titles that had me intrigued for sure.

4. All Our Wrong Todays by Elan Mastai. Another recent read. The title is indicative of one of the main themes, time-travel. I reviewed this one last week so check that out of you're curious.

5. A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin. Classic Fantasy novel. Pretty self-explanatory why this one made it on the list. Who doesn't take a look at this title and just want to know what the deal is with this wizard of Earthsea fellow?

6. The Immortal Rules, The Eternity Cure, and The Forever Song by Julie Kagawa. The titles of all 3 books in this YA Fantasy/Dystopian series are lyrical and unique as well. Love this series by the way and I gave them all 4 and 5 stars on Goodreads.

7. The Museum of Extraordinary Things by Alice Hoffman. I mean come on! Fantastic Title right here! Great Literary Fiction story. If you aren't hooked by a title like that, I can't help you here....

8. Nocte by Courtney Cole. I didn't end up being a huge fan of this trilogy after the first installation. But the title and cover art was excellent.

9. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Hands down, my favorite book I read in 2017 so far! The title -and the entire story as a matter of fact- had me so nostalgic for a time in which I wasn't even alive! I loved every nerdy second I spent in this story and it's one of those books you want to just stop random people on the side of the street and shove it in their hands and change their lives. I will write a review for this one as soon as I feel like I can do this gem justice.

10. The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch. Ok this one is on my TBR, but I ran out of picks from my read list. Patrick Rothfuss gave this a 5 star rating on Goodreads and that title is beautiful. I will definitely be picking this up soon.

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